Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Andhrapradesh Circle (APBSNL) released various Special Tariff vouchers STVs. BSNL provisioned 5 types (Categories) of STVs for Voice based, SMS based, Data based, as follows.
- Limited callers STVs for both 2G and 3G Prepaid customers (Voice based STVs)
- Unlimited Caller STVs for both 2G and 3G Prepaid customers (Voice based STVs)
- SMS based STVs for both 2G and 3G Prepaid customers.
- Data based STVs for both 2G and 3G prepaid customers.
- ISD Caller based STVs for both 2G prepaid customers.
- Customers can use only one STV at a time.
- The STV currently used will over ride on using the new STV of Category - 1 STVs.
- The STV vaildity is extended from the date of RC. Existing validity will not be counted.
- Use *124# to know the validity of Category-1 STV only
- This can be used in parallel with Category-1 & Category-3 STVs and applicable to all Prepaid plans.
- The STV validity is extended from the date of RC.
- If existing validity is higher, then old higher validity will be maintained.
- *124# facility is not applied
- This can be used in parallel with Category-1 & Category-2 STVs and applicable to all plans
- On expiry of STV validity, balance SMS will be nullified.
- Balance SMS will be carry forwarded on using another SMS STV.
- The STV validity is always extended from the date of RC
- *124# facility is not applied, Free SMS can be given in EOCN USSD
- This can be availed by all 2G Mobile customers to access the internet services.
- For additional usage charge with pulse rate of 20 paise per 10 KB.