Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) Andhrapradesh Telecom Circle has announced to revise the Optional SMS pack under both 2G and 3G Postpaid Mobile services.
The APBSNL Competent Authority has decided to revise the tariff for optional SMS pack FMC Rs.15 (Fixed Monthly Charges) is revised.
The revised optional SMS pack details for postpaid mobile services is given here under below:-
Fixed Monthly Charges in Rs. 15
Free Local P2P SMS in Numbers (On-net): NIL
Free National P2P SMS in Nos. (On-net): NIL
Rate of P2P SMS beyond free limit : 0.5ps/SMS for Local/National (On-net) SMS and 12ps/SMS for Local/Nationa (Off-net).
The above revision will be implemented and with effect from 22-03-2013.
All other terms and conditions will remain the same.
For more information call 1503