Bharat Sachar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has announced Revision of tariff for Data plans under both 2G and 3G Mobile services.
The AP BSNL Competent Authority has decided to introduce new Data Plan Vouchers (DPV) and Withdraw the Special Tariff Vouchers of Tablet Data plan (iPad) for Tablet (i-pad) plan of Rs.81, Rs.752, and Rs.1001 under both 2G and 3G Mobile Services.

The above new Prepaid Data Plan vouchers are introduced for period of 90 days and will be implemented from 30-04-2013.
The Special Tariff Vouchers for Tablet Data Plan (i-Pad) will be withdrawn with effect from 30-04-2013 and Normal Data Special Tariff Vouchers will be applicable to i-Pad customers. Extension of main account validity will be through plan voucher of Rs.70/-.
All other terms and conditions will remain the same.