AP BSNL started on Extra usage value on Topup Vouchers under GSM Prepaid Mobile Services for limited period.
India’s Most affordable telecom brand Bhara Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has introduced 20 per cent extra usage value promotional offer on GSM Topup voucher/C-Topup on MRP of Rs.5000/- and aboe upto Rs.10000/- (In multiples of Rs.100/-) across Andhrapradesh Telecom Circle.
The above Extra usage value offer will be implemented and with effect from 11-01-2014 to 31-01-2014.
All other terms and conditions will remain the same.
India’s Most affordable telecom brand Bhara Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has introduced 20 per cent extra usage value promotional offer on GSM Topup voucher/C-Topup on MRP of Rs.5000/- and aboe upto Rs.10000/- (In multiples of Rs.100/-) across Andhrapradesh Telecom Circle.
The above Extra usage value offer will be implemented and with effect from 11-01-2014 to 31-01-2014.
All other terms and conditions will remain the same.