How to Link Your Voter ID Card with Aadhaar Card in 5 Ways?

Election Commission of India planning to Link Voter ID card with Aadhaar card to scrap duplicate voter ID cards.
After linking of Aadhar Card with Voter identity card, India to become the first country in the world to have biometric data and no duplicacy in the voter's list, said Chief Election Commissioner (CEC).
We 'll do it definitely by 2015 and then India will be the only country in the world where there will be complete biometric of voters. When we are able to seed Aadhar number on EPIC card that will ensure that there will be not a single fraud or duplicate voter card, said CEC Brahma.

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This linking process already started from March 1st and voter have chance to link there Voter ID card with Aadhar card methods here under follows:
  • Self Seeding
  • Portal Seeding
  • Mobile Seeding
  • SMs based Seeding
  • Call Center Seeding
CEC, Bramha appealed to all citizens of the country to avoid duplicate names in the voter list saying it is a crime punishable for upto one year.
By this way Nomination filed candidates can know the plus and minus of the citizens in their areas.
  • Self Seeding – Online through EPIC AADHAAR Seeding portal with OTP  
Electorals can seed the EPIC Card number,along with Aadhaar number using the online portal through the OTP received on the given mobile number.
  • Portal Seeding – Online using EPIC AADHAAR Seeding Portal 
EPIC Aadhaar seeding portal allows to enter the Aadhaar number or provide the feedback against the EPIC Card number based on the field survey done by BLO’s. Portal Seeding can be done primarily using two techniques:
In-organic seeding : Inorganic Seeding can be done directly through portal based on the provided matches by verifying the EPIC Card and Aadhaar photos and demographic data in the portal.
Organic seeding : Organic Seeding can be done by entering Aadhaar number against the EPIC Card Number and seed the aadhaar or provide the feedback after verifing the EPIC and Aadhaar photos and demographic data in the portal
  • Mobile Seeding – Online through mobile
Mobile seeding approach will allow to seed the Electorals against Aadhaar number through mobile by the executive using the mobile APP loaded on your mobile similar to portal.After capturing the required information through mobile application seeds the Aadhaar against EPIC Card number and updated on the portal automatically.
  • SMS based Seeding – through SMS
Electorals are expected to send a SMS containing the Aadhaar number and EPIC Card number. Ex : SEEDEPIC [space] [EPIC No] [space] [Aadhaar No] is sent to a number 08970499899 (illustrative only). The application at the backend validate and seeds the Aadhaar number against EPIC Card number automatically.
  • Call Center Seeding – Online through Toll free Call Centre number – 1950 
Electorals are expected to make a phone call to Call Center executives and give his/her EPIC Card number with Aadhaar number.Upon receiving the details from Electorals and Operators can seeds the aadhaar online through portal.

Election Commission of India has decided last to link up voter id with aadhar card is 31-03-2015.
(Date may be extended on subject to target fix by EC)
Feature posts:
Voter id link with aadhaar card
Aadhaar card linking to voter id card
Link voter id with aadhaar card
seed your voter id card with aadhar card
seeding voter id card with aadhaar card
Link online voter id card with aadhaar card

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