BSNL Landline offers Rs.100/ discount upto 6 months to existing users

BSNL Landline Connection subscribers now can get discount of Rs 100/ upto six months on their landline bill payment in andhra pradesh and telangana telecommunication circles.

Public telecommunications company Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited - BSNL has announced a special discount offer for existing landline connections those do not have broadband services.

BSNL Landline offers

The BSNL Public Unit, in order to keep its fixed network connections active in all areas of telecommunications without broadband services, has decided to offer a special discount on fixed network bills for those existing fixed network customers who they do not have a broadband connection or subscribe to the BSNL Bharat Fiber Broadband Plan.

In partnership with TIP / Partner on a shared revenue basis, bsnl provides a new connection to customers in all telecommunication circles.

The above discount scheme will be available for a period of 90 days as part of the bsnl promotional offer with immediate effect in AP Telangana telecommunications circles.

This promotional discount scheme has been implemented in accordance with the 43rd Amendment of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Instructions / Guidelines issued from time to time.

How to get a discount or apply for the bsnl discount scheme?

Simply call the bsnl landline customer service number 1500 from BSNL mobile or landline and 1800-345-1500 from another mobile or landline operator.

Procedure for the new bsnl broadband connection request the online discount scheme?

Approach nearest bsnl customer service center or just visit the bsnl self-care portal, register your landline number and request a new bsnl broadband connection via FTTH services (fiber at home).

What happens after I request a new bsnl broadband connection?

BSNL contacts the registered connection number and provides the requested services and the discount of Rs.100/- can be processed in the next landline connection bill.

The user can manage all the bsnl services in one solution, for example the selfcare portal bsnl by registering the type of connection service.

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